Trash Vendor Update
Capitol Waste started service in the City of Lynn on July 1st. For any inquiries directly for Capitol Waste, please contact their Lynn Hotline at 855-533-3400.
Recycling Carts
If your recycling cart has a green lid, your recycling service will be collected during the green weeks. If your recycling cart has a blue lid your recycling collection will take place during the blue weeks.
Trash and Recycle Fee
The Trash/Recycle Fee is $90 per year, billed twice per year and payable within 30 days
Fee is for units who use city-sponsored trash service only. Unit will have to prove they are being serviced by producing a contract to avoid fee.
Billing is Conducted in Two Periods
Period 1: January 1st - June 31st Bills mailed beginning March 1st
Period 2: July 1st - December 31st Bills mailed beginning September 1st
Unoccupied Units
Owners can avoid fee for each full 6-month billing period that their unit is unoccupied.
Owner must document vacancy by producing a water bill or in some cases an electric bill.
City issued Trash and Recycling barrels MUST BE RETURNED for the unoccupied time frame
Owner must sign vacancy form stating that unit was not occupied for the whole 6 month billing period.
Elderly Abatement
Persons 69 years old or older are entitled to a yearly abatement of $40. Applications are available at Collector's Office, Assessor's Office and DPW Offices or by downloading the forms below.
- Applicant must both own and occupy the unit.
- Proof of age must be produced (driver's license or birth cert.)
- Proof of residency must be produced (Electric bill or telephone/cable. Water bill not acceptable for proof of residency)